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Costa Concordia
Copyright 2008 by Edoardo (fun_ship)
Uploaded 2008-11-22 - Downloaded 18207 times
Size: 2.8 MB

The Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia.
It's a BETA version ,so she don't have a detailed bridge and
some other details.
I will release soon a more detailed version.
Copyright 2008 by (tizef29)
Uploaded 2008-11-19 - Downloaded 2417 times
Size: 1.1 MB

Copyright 2008 by (tizef29)
Uploaded 2008-11-19 - Downloaded 2802 times
Size: 1.4 MB

new version : best scale and more details. Speed more realistic
Copyright 2008 by (tizef29)
Uploaded 2008-11-19 - Downloaded 4232 times
Size: 4.2 MB

MV Voyaguer Independent
Copyright 2008 by Will (Will107)
Uploaded 2008-11-18 - Downloaded 2873 times
MV Voyaguer
Size: 4.2 MB

SS Kinsman Independent
Copyright 2008 by Will (Will107)
Uploaded 2008-11-18 - Downloaded 3570 times
SS Kinsman
Size: 3.5 MB

M/V Stewart J. Cort - Interlak
Copyright 2008 by Will (Will107)
Uploaded 2008-11-10 - Downloaded 3173 times
M/V Stewart J. Cort -
Size: 6.4 MB

M/V Stewart J. Cort - Bethlehe
Copyright 2008 by Will (Will107)
Uploaded 2008-11-10 - Downloaded 4388 times
M/V Stewart J. Cort -
Size: 6.7 MB

Copyright 2008 by Edoardo (fun_ship)
Uploaded 2008-11-01 - Downloaded 3315 times
Size: 39 KB

A floating monolith,like the 2001 a space odyssey one.
SS Dinard
Copyright 2008 by C.A.Moore (pusser)
Uploaded 2008-10-24 - Downloaded 5675 times
Size: 10.4 MB


The Southern Railways steam turbine cross-channel ferry Dinard, built in 1924 by Denny (Dumbarton, River Clyde).
As built, she was 2294 gross tons and carried 1300 passengers (354 in berths).

Dinard served on the night route between Southampton and St Malo, for which a speed of 19 knots with 5276 hp was adequate.
She served with distinction in World War 2, being both at Dunkirk and Normandy,as Hospital Ship,
but required major refurbishment after being returned to civilian service.
The demand for the transportation of cars to France was increasing, so Dinard was rebuilt as a car-ferry,
returning to service in June 1947 between Dover (and Folkestone) and Boulogne, with tonnage reduced to 1769grt,
and a capacity of 363 passengers and 70 cars.
She passed to the nationalised British Railways in 1948. At this stage cars were still crane-loaded aboard,
but in 1953 she received modifications to the stern, allowing cars to be loaded over a ramp,
inaugurating the drive-on service between Dover and Boulogne on which Dinard remained until withdrawn in 1958.

Instead of being scrapped, Dinard was sold to become the first ship of mighty Baltic ferry giants Viking Line,
whose operations began on 1st June 1959 between Gräddö and Korppoo, for Åland owners Gunnar Eklund and Henning Rundberg.
They renamed her Viking, after further modifications to car capacity and appearance had been made.
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Virtual Sailor is copyright 1999-2025 Ilan Papini
Vehicle Simulator is copyright 2008-2025 Ilan Papini

The addons on this site are copyrighted by their respective owners see note below.
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This Library was originally made by maxxflow

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