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Venice V2
Copyright 2007 by Stanton Richards (Grant)
Uploaded 2007-03-06 - Downloaded 10962 times
Size: 3.8 MB

This is an update of Ilan's Venice, with the GPS centered on St.Marks plaza, and corrected for size.
The depth chart was corrected.
Most decorative trees were removed and tree arrays added.
The harbor entrance lighthouses were added.
The cruse ship docks were added.

This scenery contains a radio file with music.

Have FUN!
Humber Explorer
Copyright 2007 by Michael Askin (mykaskin)
Uploaded 2007-03-01 - Downloaded 5663 times
Size: 1.5 MB

Humber Explorer is a fantasy Humber fuel/oil tanker barge.

Based loosely on a tanker barges that frequent the Humber, and nearby waterways. The name is based on the John H Whitaker Ltd tankers name sequence, Humber Princess, Humber Pride etc.


Length: 41m (135ft)
Width: 5.5m (18ft)
Depth: 2m (6ft)
Speed: 9.4 kts

Fully loaded the water washes over the deck. Changing to 50% load is fairly close to an empty load, but in real life the bow is nearly
completely out of the water.

The engine, and thruster sounds are from an actual recording of Rix Owl manuvering at Goole. It is a slightly more modern, and a larger craft than the Explorer, but they are far better than the default sounds.
HMS Dreadnought
Copyright 2007 by (simp)
Uploaded 2007-02-25 - Downloaded 14627 times
Size: 4.7 MB

The HMS Dreadnought was a classic world war I battleship. She set the standard that all other battleships of that era followed.
purse seine netter
Copyright 2007 by (shaun)
Uploaded 2007-02-23 - Downloaded 5346 times
purse seine
Size: 3.4 MB

this is the second version of the purse senie netter.
Sunset 33' v1.0
Copyright 2007 by (flooby)
Uploaded 2007-02-14 - Downloaded 5459 times
Sunset 33'
Size: 15.1 MB

MS Monte Cinto v1.0
Copyright 2007 by Julien V (julien001)
Uploaded 2007-02-05 - Downloaded 7570 times
MS Monte Cinto
Size: 8.2 MB

The first version of Monte Cinto of SNCM
Speed : 19 knots
Copyright 2007 by (gorilliamos)
Uploaded 2007-01-30 - Downloaded 3936 times
Size: 2.1 MB

North Atlantic West V2
Copyright 2007 by Stanton Richards (Grant)
Uploaded 2007-01-27 - Downloaded 19505 times
North Atlantic West
Size: 2.4 MB

This is part 2 of 2.
North Atlantic East V2
Copyright 2007 by Stanton Richards (Grant)
Uploaded 2007-01-27 - Downloaded 22840 times
North Atlantic East
Size: 1.2 MB

This update of Duane McCullough's Atlantic maps fits the VS7.0 map cordinates.
The lighthouses are off center some, but will be corrected later.
This is one of two parts.
Diving - Workboat
Copyright 2007 by (flooby)
Uploaded 2007-01-27 - Downloaded 7086 times
Diving -
Size: 5.8 MB

I searched a boat for divers, I have just found 'shark hunter', but it is not what I think for Dive... Hope you like it! try!
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Virtual Sailor is copyright 1999-2024 Ilan Papini
Vehicle Simulator is copyright 2008-2024 Ilan Papini

The addons on this site are copyrighted by their respective owners see note below.
Please report any issues to

This Library was originally made by maxxflow

Copyright note:

User shall not upload, post or otherwise make available on the System any material protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner of the copyright, trademark or other proprietary right and the burden of determining that any material is not protected by copyright rests with User.

User shall be solely liable for any damage resulting from any infringement of copyrights, proprietary rights, or any other harm resulting from such a submission.

By submitting material to any public area of the System, User automatically grants, or warrants that the owner of such material has expressly granted the QS Library the royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate and distribute such material (in whole or in part) worldwide and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media or technology now known or hereafter developed for the full term of any copyright that may exist in such material except the direct commercial sale of such material as the part of a CD or other file transfer medium is not permitted without the written permission of the holder of the copyright for said material.

A note about Quality:

All add-ons submitted to the library will be reviewed for sufficient level of quality, only add-ons which are made to a reasonable standards of model making, will be accepted and kept on the library.