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22- Sea Gull V2 VSF
Copyright 2013 by ()
Uploaded 2013-04-20 - Downloaded 1227 times
22- Sea Gull V2
Size: 744 KB

22_Sea Gull_v2_VSF


This is the new gull using the existent dll version they are now with the correct size of a real gull and have a new more detailed mesh but very light .
the animation sequence is the same ,And the speed are now more slow and realistic.

The sea gull is a friendly marine bird, it feeds on smaller fish which
it traces along the wake of the boat, it uses the boat to stir away
those fish and when it spots them it dives for the kill.

The gull likes to catch a ride on the current of rising air created
at the stern of the boat and travels long distances without flaping it's wings.
21- Red Algae
Copyright 2013 by ()
Uploaded 2013-04-19 - Downloaded 820 times
21- Red
Size: 2.4 MB

21- Read Algae vsf

this algae was made like a animal have animation but like the other version
for Virtual S. you need to have Ref+Reflects in order to see it.

The red algae, or Rhodophyta, pronounced , from the Ancient Greek ??d?? (rhodon, rose) and f?t?? (phyton, plant), are one of the oldest groups of eukaryotic algae, and also one of the largest, with about 5,000–6,000 species of mostly multicellular, marine algae, including many notable seaweeds. Other references indicate as many as 10,000 species;[4] more detailed counts indicate about 4,000 in about 600 genera ,738 marine species in 546 genera and 10 orders (plus the unclassifiable); 164 freshwater species in 30 genera in eight orders).[5]
The red algae form a distinct group characterized by these attributes: eukaryotic cells without flagella and centrioles, using floridean polysaccharides as food reserves, with phycobiliproteins as accessory pigments (giving them their red color), and with chloroplasts lacking external endoplasmic reticulum and containing unstacked thylakoids. Most red algae are also multicellular, macroscopic, marine, and have sexual reproduction. They often have alternation of generations and may have three generations rather than two.
Many of the coralline algae, which secrete calcium carbonate and play a major role in building coral reefs, belong here. Red algae such as dulse (Palmaria palmata) and laver (nori/gim) are a traditional part of European and Asian cuisines and are used to make other products such as agar, carrageenans and other food additives.
20 - Sea Horse VSF
Copyright 2013 by ()
Uploaded 2013-04-19 - Downloaded 873 times
20 - Sea Horse
Size: 945 KB

20- Sea Horse vsf

Seahorse is the title given to 54 species of marine fish in the genus Hippocampus. "Hippocampus" comes from the Ancient Greek hippos meaning "horse" and kampos meaning "sea monster
Seahorses are mainly found in shallow tropical and temperate waters throughout the world, and prefer to live in sheltered areas such as seagrass beds, estuaries, coral reefs, or mangroves.
In Pacific waters from North America to South America there are approximately four species. In the Atlantic, the H. erectus ranges from Nova Scotia to Uruguay. H. zosterae, known as the dwarf
seahorse, is found in the Bahamas.
Colonies have been found in European waters such as the Thames Estuary.
Three species live in the Mediterranean Sea: H. guttulatus (the long-snouted seahorse), H. hippocampus (the short-snouted seahorse) and H. fuscus (the sea pony). These species form territories;
males stay within 1 square meter (11 sq ft) of their habitat while females range about one hundred times that.
. 19- Deep Sea Fish1 VSF
Copyright 2013 by ()
Uploaded 2013-04-19 - Downloaded 941 times
. 19- Deep Sea Fish1
Size: 1007 KB


This config have this fish at -260 to -290 meters by default because this is the default botton of the sea of VSF without deep maps,.. but in the reality they live at more them 2000 meters deep
and they are self iluminated, you need to adjust the deep at your desire in the animal.conf.

Deep-sea fish are fish that live in darkness below the surface waters lit by the sun, that is below the photic zone of the ocean. The lanternfish is, by far, the most common deep-sea fish. Other deep sea fish include the flashlight fish, cookiecutter shark, bristlemouths, anglerfish, and viperfish.
Only about 2% of known marine species inhabit the pelagic environment. This means that they live in the water column as opposed to the benthic organisms that live in or on the sea floor. Deep-sea organisms generally inhabit bathypelagic (1000m-4000m deep) and abyssopelagic (4000m-6000m deep) zones. However,
characteristics of deep-sea organisms, such as bioluminescence can be seen in the mesopelagic (200m-1000m deep) zone as well. The mesopelagic zone is the disphotic zone, meaning light there is minimal but still measurable. The oxygen minimum layer exists somewhere between a depth of 700m and 1000m deep depending
on the place in the ocean. This area is also where nutrients are most abundant. The bathypelagic and abyssopelagic zones are aphotic, meaning that no light penetrates this area of the ocean. These zones make up about 75% of the inhabitable ocean space.
The zone that deep-sea fish do not inhabit is the epipelagic zone (0m-200m), which is the area where light penetrates the water and photosynthesis occurs. This is also known as the euphotic, or more simply as the photic zone. Because the photic zone typically
extends only a few hundred meters below the water, about 90% of the ocean volume is in darkness. The deep-sea is also an extremely hostile environment, with temperatures that rarely exceed 3°C and fall as low as -1.8°C" (with the exception of hydrothermal vent ecosystems that can exceed 350°C), l
ow oxygen levels, and pressures between 20 and 1,000 atmospheres (between 2 and 100 megapascals).
18- smallmouth seabass vsf
Copyright 2013 by ()
Uploaded 2013-04-19 - Downloaded 788 times
18- smallmouth seabass
Size: 1.3 MB

18- smallmouth seabass vsf

The striped bass (Morone saxatilis), also called Atlantic striped bass, striper, linesider, rock, pimpfish, or rockfish, is the state fish of Maryland, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and the state saltwater (marine) fish of New York,
New Jersey, Virginia, and New Hampshire. They are also found in the Minas Basin and Gaspereau River in Nova Scotia, Canada.The striped bass is a typical member of the Moronidae family in shape, having a streamlined, silvery body marked
with longitudinal dark stripes running from behind the gills to the base of the tail. Maximum size is 200 cm (6.6 ft) and maximum scientifically recorded weight 57 kg (125 lb). Common mature size is 120 cm (3.9 ft). Striped bass are
believed to live for up to 30 years.Striped bass are native to the Atlantic coastline of North America from the St. Lawrence River into the Gulf of Mexico to approximately Louisiana. They are anadromous fish that migrate between fresh
and salt water. Spawning takes place in fresh water.
Oceanic Deep Wreck 5
Copyright 2013 by ()
Uploaded 2013-04-19 - Downloaded 1487 times
Oceanic Deep Wreck
Size: 917 KB

Oceanic Deep Wreck 5

free model from Goggle warehouse
17- Manta Ray VSF
Copyright 2013 by ()
Uploaded 2013-04-18 - Downloaded 1177 times
17- Manta Ray
Size: 1.2 MB

17- Manta Ray vsf

Manta rays are large cartilaginous fishes belonging to the genus Manta. Historically, they were classified as one species, but since 2010 two species have been recognized: Manta birostris (the giant manta ray) and Manta alfredi (the reef manta ray). They are recognized by their large bodies (reaching 7 m or 23 ft in width), triangular pectoral fins, horn-shaped cephalic fins and large, forward-facing mouths. They are classified among the Elasmobranchii, the sharks and rays, and are placed in the eagle ray family Myliobatidae.
Mantas can be found in temperate, subtropical and tropical waters in much of the world ocean. M. birostris migrates across open oceans, singly or in groups, while M. alfredi tends to be resident and coastal. They are filter feeders and eat large quantities of zooplankton, which they scoop up through their wide open mouths as they swim. The female's gestation period lasts over a year and pups are born nearly two meters wide. Mantas may visit cleaning stations for the removal of parasites. They are known to breach out of the water for reasons not understood.
Both species are listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Anthropogenic threats to mantas include pollution, becoming entangled in fishing nets and direct harvesting by fisheries. They are caught for the use of their gill rakers in Chinese medicine, and this along with their slow reproductive rate, puts them at risk of overexploitation. They are protected in international waters by the Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals but are more vulnerable closer to shore. Areas where mantas congregate are popular with tourists. Because of their size, only a small number of mantas are found in aquariums around the world. In general, these large fish are both seldom seen and difficult to study.
16- AsiaArowana vsf
Copyright 2013 by ()
Uploaded 2013-04-18 - Downloaded 633 times
16- AsiaArowana
Size: 759 KB

16- AsiaArowana vsf

The Asian arowana comprises several varieties of freshwater fish in the genus Scleropages. Some sources differentiate these varieties into multiple species, while others consider the different strains to belong to a single species, Scleropages formosus. They have several other common names, including Asian bonytongue, dragon fish, and a number of names specific to different varieties.
Native to Southeast Asia, Asian arowanas inhabit blackwater rivers, slow-moving waters flowing through forested swamps and wetlands. Adults feed on other fish, while juveniles feed on insects.
These popular aquarium fish have special cultural significance in areas influenced by Chinese culture. The name dragon fish stems from their resemblance to the Chinese dragon. This popularity has had both positive and negative effects on their status as endangered species.
15- Angel Shark
Copyright 2013 by ()
Uploaded 2013-04-18 - Downloaded 904 times
15- Angel
Size: 1.1 MB

15- AngelShark

An angel shark is a shark in the genus Squatina, which are unusual in having flattened bodies and broad pectoral fins that give them a strong resemblance to rays. Twenty-three species are known to exist in the genus, which is the only one in its family, Squatinidae, and order Squatiniformes. They occur worldwide in temperate and tropical seas. Most species inhabit shallow temperate or tropical seas, but one species inhabits deeper water, down to 1,300 metres (4,300 ft).
14- Amemasu vsf
Copyright 2013 by ()
Uploaded 2013-04-18 - Downloaded 668 times
14- Amemasu
Size: 1.1 MB

14- Amemasu fishvsf
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Virtual Sailor is copyright 1999-2024 Ilan Papini
Vehicle Simulator is copyright 2008-2024 Ilan Papini

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